You are so in oe ith the perfect man an you no ithout a oubt in your heart that he is your sou mate. He competes you ie no one ese can an you ou oe to hae the honor an priiege of being his Mrs. Someboy. Ony probem is the mere mention of marriage sens up arning signs in his eyes. His boy anguage zzes an he aois you ie the bac pague. If this souns at a famiiar rea on.
Time First et's start o ith to uestions. Ho ong hae the to of you been together? Ho much time hae you spent ith one another? This cou pay a huge reason hy the man of your reams is hitting the breas. Maybe your ust a coupe months into the ne reationship an he ust isn't on the same page as you. But et's face it a reationships are ierent maybe the to of you hae ony been ating for a year. Liing in separate homes an maybe hae the chance to spen Friay nights an Saturays ith one another. But hat if you hae been iing together for a year
sueny the circumstances are ierent. So rst reay tae a oo at the time the to of you hae spent ith each other an in that time hat hae you one as a coupe.
Sette Maybe eerything is here it shou be yet he oesn't ant to get marrie. Maybe your man has become ery comfortabe ith the ay things are an sees no reason to change them. Despite ho you fee about anting to get marrie. This is hen you hae to oo eep ithin yoursef an truy as the uestion. Ho important is marriage to me? If marriage is ery important to you you nee to ecie if your iing to sette ith hat your man is prepare to gie you. Wi you be o in this current arrangement an if so for ho ong. Then if this man here truy Mr. Right then hy oun't he ant to mae an honest oman out of you? Ony you can ecie the aue of your reationship but if your not iing to sette ith your current arrangement then you nee to n someone ho
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