Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Up -Coming Festivals in Arizona

S e dona Hummi ngbird Fe s tiv al , August 1 -3 2 01 4 Sedona Performing Art Center

Sedona, Arizona

Sedona Hummingbird Festival – Sedona Performing Arts Center, presentations by hummingbird experts in many interest areas: science, gardening, photog- raphy, conservation and regional species studies, and tours, $17 for 1-day presentations pass; 3-day presentations pass $45; children under 12 free with a paying adult, 800-529-3699 or http://www.sedonahummingbirdfestival.com

Annual Ha rv es t, Augus t 3 rd 20 1 4 Sonoita, Vineyards


Come join us for our Annual Harvest Festival

Saturday & Sunday, August 2nd and 3rd, 2014

10:00am - 4:00pm

6 6 th Annua l V igil a nt Day s , August 8 -1 0 2 01 4

Tombstone, Arizona

66th Annual Vigilante Days – Wild West history comes to life in the streets of Tombstone, “the town too tough to die,” street entertainment, 1880s fashion show, 10K, shoot-outs, hangings, concert, chili cook-off, saloon girls, http:// www.tombstonechamber.com or http://www.tombstonevigilantes.com

Ol d Bis bee Bre wi ng Compa ny 's P re s e nts The 4 th Annua l P ira te s of the

High Des e rt, August 8-10 2014

Bisbee Arizona

Old Bisbee Brewing Company Presents the 4th Annual Pirates of the High De- sert - Old Bisbee Brewing Company, costume contest, city wide treasure hunt, burlesque show, music everywhere, art walk, exotic rum tastings, food and lots of fun, 520-432-BREW (2739) or http://www.discoverbisbee.com or https:// www.facebook.com/BisbeePirates



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