Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Business watch what you need to know

Is ra el a pprove s e x tens ion of c ea s e -fire i n Ga za; Ha mas c ons ide rs options Israel late Saturday authorized an extension of the humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza for another 24 hours at the request of the United Nations, Israeli officials told CNN.

Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan told CNN that the group was still undecid- ed on whether to agree to the truce.

Carja c k e rs run ove r, k il l 3 ' sw e e t' s ibli ngs in P hila de lphia

Three children helping their mother operate a fruit stand were killed when a stolen SUV plowed into a small crowd on a Philadelphia street corner.

Police Lt. John Stanford said 10-year-old Thomas Reed was pronounced dead on the scene Friday, while 7-year-old Terrence Moore and 15-year-old Keiearra Williams were pronounced dead at the hospital.

Ma th ne rds a re ta king o ve r W a ll S tree t Elie Galam is one of them.

Every day, the 30-year old runs 35,000 different trading strategies through soft- ware he designed to find a handful of trading ideas with a high statistical prob- ability of making him money.

"It's like seismic imaging," said the Parisian-born Galam, comparing his invest- ing approach to the process used to find pockets of oil.

Ric e ' punis hme nt': Wha t is NFL think ing? My dad told me real men don't hit women.

He believed that because men were physically stronger and mentally tougher, men had the obligation to shield women from harm.

I didn't buy the mentally tougher part, but I did embrace the idea that men were born with a kind of wonderful genetic code that made it impossible for them to pummel any woman, least of all a woman they cherished.

Fra nc ona: P utin' s re al e nd ga me i n Ukra ine

CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr reported Thursday that the U.S. intelligence community has information that Russian artillery is firing into east- ern Ukraine. The artillery pieces shown in the released footage are Russian M-

46 130mm field guns with a range of a little over 16 miles.

Why would the Russians do this? Simple -- this fits into their plan to support pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. The end game? I believe it is the eventual absorption of that region into the Russian Federation.





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